Email: cchhetri [at] gmu [dot] edu
Research interests: Usable privacy and security, Internet of Things, smart home technologies, and human-computer interaction.
Dr. Chhetri is a Professor of Information and Engineering Technologies at NVCC. He holds a Ph.D. in Information Technology with a concentration in Information Security from the College of Engineering and Computing at George Mason University . He holds an MS in ISA from George Mason University and an MS in Computer Science. His research focuses on eliciting privacy concerns of users and non-users of smart home devices, and designing user-centric privacy control solutions for smart home technology. His research lies at the intersection of human-computer interaction (HCI), security, and privacy. He has authored publications in premier academic venues across HCI, usable security and privacy, and education (e.g. PACMHCI, CSCW, ACM SIGITE, iCONF, HAISA, HFES, NCS, AHFE). His research has been supported by NSF, GMU, VCCS, 4VA and CCI.
Dr. Chhetri holds industry certifications, including ISC2’s CISSP, EC Council’s CEH, Cloud Security Alliance’s CCSK, and CompTIA’s Security+ and Network+. He has worked in academia, government, and non-profit sectors globally in areas of network management, network administration, and system administration. He has taught cybersecurity, networks, computer architecture, and computer science at undergraduate and graduate levels. He has developed cybersecurity curriculum and investigated effective cybersecurity pedagogical methods for online, hybrid, and in-person instruction.
We study privacy concerns of users and non-users of smart home technologies. We proved that both users and non-users are concerned about privacy, proposed guidelines, and are working on a framework for usable privacy in the smart home .
We analyze security vulnerabilities in smart home devices by reverse engineering, traffic analysis, and other validated techniques.
We study the challenges and opportunities of pedagogical approaches and innovative ways of providing cybersecurity education to the next generation of cybersecurity professionals.
For full and updated publication list, visit Google Scholar or DBLP.
J02 |
Enhancing the Design of Data-Related Privacy Controls for Smart Home Devices ICS22
Purpose: Past research shows that users of smart home devices have
privacy concerns. These concerns have been validated from technical re-
search that shows smart home devices introduce a lot of privacy risks.
However, there is limited research in addressing these concerns and risks.
Design/methodology/approach: In this paper, we follow a user-
centered design approach to design data-related privacy controls from de-
sign requirements backed by literature. We test the design for usability
and perceived information control using psychometrically validated scales.
For this purpose, we created two variations of the prototype (My-
Cam1 with a listing of data-related privacy controls and MyCam2 with
three privacy presets) and tested them in a between-subjects experimental
setting. Study participants (n=207) were recruited via Mechanical Turk
and asked to use the prototype app. An online survey was distributed to
the participants to measure some usability and privacy-related constructs.
Findings: Findings show that the presented prototype design were
usable and met the privacy control needs of users. The prototype design
with privacy presets was found to be significantly more usable than the
list of privacy controls.
Originality: The findings of this article are original and build on the
findings presented in our HAISA paper. This paper contributes better
and usable designs of privacy controls for smart home applications.
author = {Chhetri, Chola and Motti, Vivian G.},
title = {User Centric Privacy Controls for Smart Home},
year = {2022},
issue_date = {Mar 2023},
publisher = {Emerald Publishing},
address = {UK},
volume = {31},
number = {EarlyCite},
url = {},
doi = {10.1108/ICS-11-2022-0173},
journal = {Information and Computer Security},
month = {Mar},
articleno = {},
numpages = {20},
keywords = {}
J01 |
User-Centric Privacy Controls for the Smart Home CSCW22
The widespread adoption of smart home devices (SHD) has increased privacy concerns among users, yet user-friendly controls are lacking. While there is a large body of research focused on understanding privacy concerns and threat models of SHD users, there is limited research so far aimed at informing the development of privacy controls in SHDs. This paper presents the results of 25 interviews focused on characterizing the users’ needs for privacy controls. Through qualitative analysis of interview data, we present 7 design factors and 32 sub-factors for the design of privacy controls in SHDs. The interview findings informed the design of a survey that was deployed to 440 adult SHD users to gain quantitative insights on privacy control requirements and to complement the interview findings. Based on the findings, we discuss a privacy control framework that guides designers towards user-centric privacy controls.
author = {Chhetri, Chola and Motti, Vivian G.},
title = {User Centric Privacy Controls for Smart Home},
year = {2022},
issue_date = {June 2022},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
volume = {6},
number = {CSCW2},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3555769},
journal = {Proc. ACM Hum.-Comput. Interact.},
month = {November},
articleno = {349},
numpages = {36},
keywords = {}
I care about my students and I enjoy helping them achieve their academic endeavors.